Monday, September 24, 2012

Reading Response:2 Revolution

The more I read the book the more I love it. Andi writes songs one of her songs which she’s never let anyone hear except this one time, a boy she likes asks her to sing it to him. His name is Virgil, she likes him a lot but he lives in Paris and they won’t be able to see each other that much if she went back to Brooklyn. She made the song for her mother after her brother died and her mother went crazy. Since Andi and her father went to Paris, her father put her mother in a psycho ward. Andi does not want her there she thinks that her mother has made but slight progress and thinks it will only make her worst. I think this song is very good it shows how much she cares for her mother and how much she wishes to fix it all.

“If I had coal and fire
And metal fine and true
I’d make an iron band
An iron band for you
I’d pick up all the pieces
From where they fell that day
Fit them back together
And take the pain away
But I don’t have the iron
Andi don’t have the steel
To wrap around your broken heart
And teach it how to heal
Somewhere in the fire
Somewhere in the pain
I’d find the magic that I need
To make you whole again
I’d make the iron band so strong
I’d make it gleam so bright
I’d fix the things I’ve broken
I’d turn my wrongs to right
But I don’t have the iron
And I don’t have the steel
To wrap around your broken heart
Wish I could make it heal
Wish I could make it heal”


  1. Really interesting song and your description was good.

  2. Doesn't sound like a book that I would read, but I am a specific type. I am glad you like it though.

  3. Really interesting post. I like your the song that you included with your post.

  4. The post is really differnet, but I like the meaning of the song.
