Tuesday, December 4, 2012

reading response: #6

I’m reading this book called redeeming love. It’s an outstanding book I have read it a few times a before. It is about a lady that’s a prostitute her name is Sarah, but she goes by Angel; she grew up at hard times. Her mother died when she was a young girl and her father never wanted her born because he already had a wife and children of his own. Her mother wanted to keep her though. One day he stopped paying for cottage and stopped giving her money. They had to live out by the docks in a shack.  Her mother died not to long after the lived down by the docks.  She was sold to a man when she was younger and he treated her very badly. She finally escaped him after several years. She was a beautiful lady and she was on a boat to get away from him. The girls she ran away with beat her up and took her stuff right before they got off the boat. She was in a new place where she knew no one and she had no money. A lady helped her by letting her stay with her and feeding. But the only way she could stay is if she sold her body and gave the lady that helped her so much percentage of it. She lives there for a while, it is way better than where she was before. One day a guy name Michael came to her room and just wanted to talk to her. He loved her so much and he barely knew her. And he tries to whisk her away but it’s harder than he thinks. In the beginning of every chapter there is a quote. I think they are all great and make me go into deep thought about things. One I really like that I just read is by Charles D’ Orleans “I am dying of thirst by the side of the fountain.” I think that has so many different meanings and I know it means something different to everyone. But I also know it brings up deep thoughts and that’s what this book does. IT makes you question a lot of things. However I love it just that much and every time I have read it, it changes me in some way. I hope everyone tries to read it.  

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