Friday, November 9, 2012

reading response: 5 Rot and Ruin

            I am reading rot and ruin; it’s a great book about life in a zombie world.   It’s about this boy named Benny, Who was just a little boy when the first night of Zombie attack started. He should not remember anything from that night, he sure does dwells on it for quiet a while. He hates zombies for taking his parents away and leaving him with his brother Ben.  They live in a fenced in community, where nobody in the inside but rare few want to acknowledge what is happening outside of the gates.  This book has different chapters and sections, in each section there is a quote. One I really liked was “Man can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air, but only one second without hope.” That helps explain the book because in this story it is true. They have to have hope.
I also like this quote “Everyone carries around his own monsters.” By Richard Pryor. In this book it shows that zombies are sometimes better than humans because zombies do not understand why or that they are trying to eat people and be evil. However in this book there are people called bounty hunters that are worst because they hurt others and they know exactly what they are doing. It shows how a lot of people just do care about anyone but them self now days.  It’s a great book and it makes a lot of great points, check it out see if you would like it.